Gray Memorial United Methodist Church Sermons
Sermons offered at Gray Memorial UMC in Tallahassee, Florida. To learn more, visit graymumc.org.
70 episodes
First Sunday in Lent: Puzzle Pieces
God is at work on the puzzle pieces of our life.Gospel reading by Bill Eddy.
Episode 69

Transfiguration Sunday: Glowing for God
You are the light of the world. You are the body of Christ. You are a person with the capacity for more. The endless, unconditional, unfathomable, unending love of God dwells in you.Guest preacher, Rev. Betsy Ouellette
Episode 68

The Courage to Turn the Other Cheek
Today's Gospel reading is a continuation of the Sermon on the Plain. In this segment, Jesus gives his followers a radical message: turn the other cheek. By sharing the story of Civil Rights leader Septima Poinsette Clark, Pastor Beth explores t...
Episode 67

Where Do You Stand?
Luke 6:17-26Jesus didn’t stay on the mountain—he came down to stand on a level place, among the people, where God’s work happens. Just as Jesus stood with those in need, we are called to see, to step forward, and to embody God’s justice ...
Episode 66

A Time of Preparation
Guest preacher, Eli Jeffre, a student leader with the Wesley Foundation at FSU and TSC. Todd Clark reads Luke 5:1-11 (NRSVue).
Episode 65

Sometimes Good News Is Hard to Hear
In Luke 4:21-30, people in Nazareth are so outraged by Jesus's message that they try to throw him off a cliff. What was that all about and what does it have to do with us today? Scripture reading by Kim Maxwell.
Episode 64

Do Whatever He Tells You To
John 2:1-11, The Wedding in Cana, Water to WineJesus worked through ordinary servants to create extraordinary results, whether at the wedding in Cana when water was turned into wine, or through modern-day servants of God like Dr. Martin...
Episode 63

Why was Jesus baptized?
Jesus was baptized for our benefit, not for his.Scripture (selected verses from Luke 3) read by Kim Maxwell.
Episode 62

01/05/2025 Epiphany Sunday
The Light that Guides UsScripture reading by Kim Maxwell
Episode 61

Christmas Eve 2024: What Child Is This?
We wonder at the miracle of the incarnation and we ask the most important question we can: What Child Is This? This is the child of humility, who shows us that God meets us in our lowliest moments. This is the child of ...
Episode 60

Love is Revealed When Mary Visits Elizabeth
In Luke 1:39-55, when Mary visits her relative Elizabeth, love pours from Elizabeth and she says exactly what Mary needs to hear. God's love is revealed in their relationship.Scripture is read by Susan Hutchison
Episode 59

Advent Peace: It is Well With My Soul
The author of the hymn we know as "It Is Well With My Soul," Horatio Spafford, was no stranger to tragedy. Perhaps that's why his hymn continues to resonate with us. It reminds us that God’s peace is not about the absence of chaos; it is abo...
Episode 58

Step Into This Story: Be a Bowl of Fruity Pebbles
When The Rock was a professional wrestler, he once accused fellow wrestler, John Cena of walking through the world like a great big bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Pastor Beth has some fun with that in this sermon, asking how that idea might help us li...
Episode 57

The Wealth of Generosity
In 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, we learn about a contrast between the church in Corinth and the Macedonian church. Corinth was known for its wealth and its excess, while the church in Macedonia was undergoing "a severe ordeal of affliction ... and extr...
Episode 56

Don't Try This Alone
In Romans 12, Paul reminds us that the Christian life is not a solo sport. In the wake of the 2024 election, we need to remember that we are one body made up of many different parts. We can't amputate the members of the body who voted different...
Episode 55

All the Saints and God's Ongoing Story
On the first Sunday in November we celebrate All Saints and All Souls Sunday. We remember and celebrate all Christian saints throughout history AND we specifically remember those loved ones in our congregation who we lost this year. As we do th...
Episode 54

Friendship Beyond Borders
In Acts 8, God sends Philip the Evangelist down a wilderness road where he met a man some would have said was excluded from the Kingdom of God. God revealed to Philip--and to us--that God desires profound inclusivity. Humans divide and God love...
Episode 53

Abide in Christ
As we abide in Christ, God prunes away the things that hinder us so we can grow into people who embody love, grace, and justice. Through daily practices of prayer, scripture, and love, we stay rooted in Jesus, allowing God's grace to transform ...
Episode 52

The Jesus Story: Jesus Moves into the Neighborhood
10/13/2024 Worship at Gray Memorial UMC in Tallahassee, FL
Episode 51

Wesleyan Rooted: Methodists Embrace Widely
God is prodigal, wasteful, extravagant, with grace, mercy, and love.And God invites us to live with those same values. God is standing with arms wide open, waiting for us to run into the divine embrace and to bring o...
Episode 50

Wesleyan Rooted: Methodists Love Actively
As we move through the Gospels as part of The Bible Year, we're looking at what it means to be "Wesleyan Rooted." In this sermon, Pastor Beth explores what it me...
Episode 49

Wesleyan Rooted: Methodists Serve
From the earliest days of Methodism, serving others has been part of our ecclesiastical DNA. Matthew 25:31-46Scripture read by Todd Clark.
Episode 48

Special Guest, Randy Clay
Randy Clay, the Lay Leader for the Northwest District of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, offers a message about growing in God’s grace and love from a Wesleyan perspective. Ephesians 3:14-20 emphasizes that life in Christ...
Episode 47